Monday, March 21, 2016

Hallow Mass Horror Novel Inches Toward Pre-Order


Lovecraftian Tale Driving Author Mad

Mostly with little details: Library of Congress, ISBN, front and back matter, reviewer copies, new back cover head shots by photo ace Dan Hoffman. All combine to weary me. On a darker note, they are a perfect excuse not to be writing the next book. "Well, I have to research." "I must contact this artist about promotional artwork." "I need to spend hours on Pinterest, checking out sc-fi boards." Any and every excuse not to write the first draft. But the worst is over once that's done. This I know from experience. 

Upside: I'm in charge of the creative process.

Downside: (See Upside.)


Authors 4 Characters said...

Wild, how writers love the IDEA of writing but hate the REALITY of sitting down to do the work. But, you've gotten it done before. It'll get done again. If you're stuck on a point, take some time away from the work and the solution will find you when you least expect it. To that end, ALWAYS keep a notebook and pen with you at all times. Even at your bedside. Ya never know when an idea will come to you.

The rest of the 'grudge work is a 'necessary evil." Coping with the thorns in order to enjoy the rose.

JP Mac said...

I've been inspired to press on by reading about the late Elmore Leonard and how he got up two hours early every morning to write, not putting n the coffee until he had something down on the page. Determined man.

Authors 4 Characters said...

You're both better than I am. I can barely function without the first coffee of the day! I've heard of Elmore Leonard, but have no idea what kind of books he wrote. Will have to check it out. In the meantime, go, man, go!

JP Mac said...

Thanks. Broke the ice today and finished the prologue, plus started the first chapter. Now I'm excited again.

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