Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Lunch today with my wife and mom-in-law. The only eggs we'll be searching for are the ones on our plates.


Luke said...

Happy Easter! The most important thing for civilization happened 2011 years ago, thank God!

By the way, the easter bunny is an old europeanan tradition among children during the early 1600s. The idea was that if a child was good, they left hats and bonnets out around their house, and durring the night, Oster Haus (an assumed anthropromorphic rabbit) would leave colorful eggs for them. This date origionally had nothing to so with easter.

JP Mac said...

I think the chocolate rabbit industry had a lot to do with promoting the Easter Bunny concept.

I'm open to argument on this score.

Luke said...

A catholic priest (actually the pope) at one point asked someone to merge Easter (which at that point had to do more with an island). and the date of ressurection to make one holiday. Eggs represent new life, which is why the origional holiday is in celebration of spring. Rabbits do to (as we both know what rabbits do best). That's where the eggs and rabbits origionate from.

But chocolate bunnies are good too.

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