Friday, January 29, 2010

Necronomicon Video

Life changing literature.

h/t: badadvicegoodtimes via Viral Footage


Armando Torre said...

Hahahahaha. It was funny. Although a brief evil Gregorian chant whenever the word Necronomicon is mentioned would have hit the spot for me.

Cthulhu Rules!

Do does Vorn the Unspeakable, his-lesser-knwon-shorter-cousin!

JP Mac said...

Vorn never got the ink of Cthulhu.

But that's how the Great Old Ones roll.

Armando Torre said...

Was he Cthulus cousin or did I made that up in my mind?

I can almost imagine his mother with a Estelle Costanza pitch and a heavy Queens accent yelling at him "Why can't you be more like your cousin Cthulhu?! He's got such a nice woid wide Cult and his spawn they are just gorgeous with all those tentacles"

JP Mac said...

Vorn wasn't related per se, he just came from another dimension sporting that Cthulhu look.

They say it's coming back in on college campuses.

Armando Torre said...

Haven't heard about the campus thing.

Perhaps Vorn just wants more career opportunities and you, know, it's never too late for college education.

Btw, I somehow missed this line (i probably had to watch it in Spanish the first time):

"I am Vorn the Unspeakable! The skulls of those who defy me bleach in the suns of a hundred worlds!... And you are?"

That's hilrarious.

JP Mac said...

For a terrifying creature, he had a certain amount of insecurity.

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